Leading Strategic and Cultural Change

Stephen Haines has some perspectives worth consideration. Drawing from his Naval Academy training, a wide array of examples, and systems science, his focus is on strategic management and organizational change. I have had his company's site bookmarked for some time, but it was only yesterday that I watched his free executive overview of "Leading Strategic and Cultural Change".

Here are three things I really liked:

"“If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside,the end is near.” Quoting Jack Welch

Clarity and simplicity = success (simplicity wins the game every time)

State of the Art Best Practice:
Problem: Lacking the Organizational Capacity for Change
Best Practice: Invest in, Hire and Develop the Capacity to make change succeed

And there's more great stuff. If you're interested in leading change in organizations, be sure to check it out.

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more Greg. Thanks for the kind words. Hope you and others will go to our Home Page and click on the FREE articles we have to offer as well.
